Irish Slang Phrases
A saying used to describe a car or "Vehicle" that is easy on fuel.

talks alot, talks to much


e.g. - "that fella there could chat the hind leg of a dog!"
descriptive of someone who is not regarded as having a high intellect e.g." I'm afraid your honour, my client didn't understand the question as he is as thick as champ"
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I'm hungry
To give a lot of effort
To throw with great hasted or roughness
Used back in the mid/late nineties to describe an average looking person with whom one would consider sleeping if there was no attractive alternative.
A girl with a very sexy body but an unattractive face... This phrase is generally uttered by men who examine the posterior of a lady as they drive by, On the approach they say "Oooohhh" and if her face does not match the beauty of her posterior as they pass they will say "Naaaaaa", hence Una.
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