Irish Slang Phrases
A pub, housing estate or other gathering point that is filled with undesirables and where one should not spend too much time.
A term of endearnment to a fellow male

to lose the head is to lose control in anger


"mate! will you just back of before I lose the head!"
1) To be ugly or stupid. 2) Dosed with pains or illness. Lit: Beaten with it (possibly the ugly stick).

A positive way of describing a car, usuallyused when talking to the owner as a compliment.

 "Here fella, shes some flash!"
To give out to someone
Potato bread
Moobs are fatty deposits on a male's chest, which mimic female mammary glands. Moobs is derived from a shortened (combined) version of the term 'man boobs'. Commonly thought to be the result of the eating habits of fat hungry cnuts; however, some modern practictioners suggest that moobs have become commonplace due to the high exposure of the population to estrogen in modern living due to foods, pesticides and plastics. Moobs are generally considered unattractive, however, there are some members of society who are turned on by these hairy fun bags.
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