Irish Slang Phrases
Example: Yer man is a total clampet
Irish for sh*te
popular in the so-called "Triangle" area (that's Ballymoney, Coleraine, Portrush). used instead of "mate" e.g. "'bout ye sham" meaning "how are you mate?" Often claimed as an Ulster-Scots term. Ulster Scots is a "language" that has been spoken in Ireland for almost 10 whole years now.
An enquiry as to whether one has any interesting news.

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There are none! Ye filthy fekin pervert!!! What would your mother say? Now gwan fake off an go tell the priest what you been up to!
Advising one of the lads to try to woo a lady of the larger variety back to your house while reminding him not to let her stay around too long after ye have the job done. Can also be used in other situations where you want someone to go away quickly or get a job done fast.
An older woman who hasn't had sex in years is as a young virgin
Same as whoo!!
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