Irish Slang Phrases
Moobs are fatty deposits on a male's chest, which mimic female mammary glands. Moobs is derived from a shortened (combined) version of the term 'man boobs'. Commonly thought to be the result of the eating habits of fat hungry cnuts; however, some modern practictioners suggest that moobs have become commonplace due to the high exposure of the population to estrogen in modern living due to foods, pesticides and plastics. Moobs are generally considered unattractive, however, there are some members of society who are turned on by these hairy fun bags.
Your father
It was good craic
Not as stupid as i look
An SR - or sperm receipticle is a girl (or boy) whom you have or would gladly and regularly use to deposit sperm
The moment when everything blends into nothing, and you, your chosen lady and a bottle of Taste, have a flirty chat about puppies and caravan holidays in Geesala and then you realise....She will do for the oul Shtart!
Workin Hard
noun: descriptive of an idiot. e.g. "yer man's a total and utter glunterpeck, dont waste your breath talkin to him"
So Drunk You couldn't take any more
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