Irish Slang Phrases

A positive way of describing a car, usuallyused when talking to the owner as a compliment.

 "Here fella, shes some flash!"
Having sex with her

Your DA,

Your Father, 

See also “Your MA”

How to win any slaging match,

eg, One person says to another, F**K you've a big head,

Second person response " i your DA likes a big head"

Head in this case being a sexual innuendo, referring to the male penis.

A hot girl
Commonly used in every sentience
The toilet.
A measure of the eligibility for marraige. How much of your land is bounded by a road and therefore ready for sale as sites for houses.
To say that someone "can't drink fog" is to say they're a lightweight at drinking. It's history comes from many a Kerry man who has emerged from a pub after many pints, is suddenly hit by the air and immediately feels more drunk
Name for a banger of a car (rolls down the hill and Can hardly get up the other side )
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