Irish Slang Phrases
A well know neighbourhood who's real name is Church View
Da old guinness

Toite can mean anything you want. Good, bad, pretty, ugly, cool, stupid.

e.g. 1: "I won the lottery there" "Toite one!"

e.g. 2: "My relative just died" "That's toite."

Also used by Goldmember "Toite like a macho man"
Hard balls of fluff (and other matter) that gather on a hairy arse that are very difficult to remove. Usually used to describe an annoying person that hangs around and won't go away.
A group of legends from Limerick City who produced some fantastic videos such as 'I wouldn't ride you without a bag of glue' and the recent 'Horse Outside' which in this author's opinion is the greatest work of genius ever to be produced on the Emerald Isle. f*ck your Honda Civic I've a Horse Outside.
Gammy monacles means bad eyesight
To give a woman the gift of pleasure through sexual intercourse.
A derogatory description of someone
Usually in mountain gorillas, when groups come across each other in the forest, the male-male interactions are quite aggressive, involving chest-beating displays and sometimes even physical violence. Similarly, in Ireland, as a particular species of males, generally known as skangers, pass each other they display similar aggressive actions. These actions are known as throwing shapes and can involve head movements, fist movements and strange methods of walking.
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