Irish Slang Phrases

means hows it goin. . belfast
Half past a hairy freckle.
A feckless young man

Your DA,

Your Father, 

See also “Your MA”

How to win any slaging match,

eg, One person says to another, F**K you've a big head,

Second person response " i your DA likes a big head"

Head in this case being a sexual innuendo, referring to the male penis.
A term for an effeminate and attractive homosexual. Typically young man, new to the gay scene, hairless, brainless a bit of a himbo

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Usually in mountain gorillas, when groups come across each other in the forest, the male-male interactions are quite aggressive, involving chest-beating displays and sometimes even physical violence. Similarly, in Ireland, as a particular species of males, generally known as skangers, pass each other they display similar aggressive actions. These actions are known as throwing shapes and can involve head movements, fist movements and strange methods of walking.

Sex, a less abrupt word for F@#K


"Fancy a Buck?"

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