Irish Slang Phrases
Noun: a blether: someone who talks too much. verb to blether e.g. "would you ever quit yer blether" meaning please shut up
How you would tell yer friends that a girl is off limits because you seen her first.
A euphemism for the toilet.
i'm starving.
A chunk or bit of something.
Can you give me a lift (gis a lift)

It really speaks for itself, have you ever seen a painters radio?

Man / Woman or Persons who have male ejaculation on their face !
How are you
Chugger is a combination of the words charity and mugger. A charity mugger is a generally a student or young adult (paid) volunteer who aggressively asks you to fill in a questionnaire for their particular cause be it Concern, Greenpeace, Baby Seal Clubbers. Generally chuggers don't take no for an answer so it is better to never make eye contact with them and tell them to feck off if they even open their mouths. In the movie Airplane you can see an example of how to deal with chuggers effectively.
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