Irish Slang Phrases
Cup of tea or coffee
It's very cold. (old saying)
You there!

expression used to denote an unspecified amount. e.g " thon Judy Finnegan, she wouldn't be a kick in the arse off 60"

Usually shouted at owners of rear wheel drive cars,

“Does she go round?”

“Does she hoop?”

“Can you diff her?”

“Can you do doughnuts in your car?”

A doughnut or donut is a maneuver performed while driving a vehicle. Performing this maneuver entails rotating the rear or front of the vehicle around the opposite set of wheels in a continuous motion, creating (ideally) a circular skid-mark pattern of rubber on a roadway and possibly even cause the tires to emit smoke from friction.
Close but no cigar
Chugger is a combination of the words charity and mugger. A charity mugger is a generally a student or young adult (paid) volunteer who aggressively asks you to fill in a questionnaire for their particular cause be it Concern, Greenpeace, Baby Seal Clubbers. Generally chuggers don't take no for an answer so it is better to never make eye contact with them and tell them to feck off if they even open their mouths. In the movie Airplane you can see an example of how to deal with chuggers effectively.
Tribal chant ululated by school going individuals while their fellow pupils dig the head off one another.
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