Irish Slang Phrases
Referring to an unnamed girl/woman (as opposed to 'yer man')
Given as a suffix to a persons first name. Usually to a person who is your friend. It doesn't techincally describe anything about the person.
Describes a person that is fond of the drink
When someone is being extremeley anti-social.Often this person does not go anywhere because they are spending an abnormal amount of time with their hundreds of cousins and goin to 50th birthday parties or just lying in there wee gypsy house in trentagh beacause theyre "wile tired man".The person may spend an large amount of time at "Norahs" also.
A bag of chips (thick cut potato fries) that contains and arbitrary number of chips more than a regular bag of chips. The amount of extra chips is at the discretion and generally based on the mood of the person serving as there is no standard measure for a large chip.
I have taken some alcohol/I am drunk
An angry person who realises they can't change what sh*te life has dealt the,
Entirity/the whole thing
A person who is not liked.
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