Irish Slang Phrases
To be extremely intoxicated
Are you going out tonight?
A way of ending a conversation.

Irish Scenary

Green Road Trail - Greencastle, County Tyrone - Save Our Sperrins

Gortin Village from the air

Loughmacrory - County Tyrone

Greencastle - County Tyrone - Save Our Sperrins

St Mary's Chapel - Knockmoyle - Omagh

St Mary's Chapel - Knockmoyle - Omagh


Sunset Drone Flight Over The Gortin Lakes, Omagh, County Tyrone

Snowy Sunset Drone flight near Omagh, County Tyrone

Irish Slang Press


BBC Radio Foyle

Neds Guide To Irish Slang

Need To Know How To Use The Website? Let Ned Explain!


Irish Slang Creator Speaking At University Graduation

Local Celebrities

Colin Murphy

Jake O'Kane

Keith Law

Keith Farnan


Comical Videos (Not Real)

The following videos have been made for a bit of fun and are not the actual voice of the person speaking.

Bob Geldof

Gerry Adams

Ian Paisley

Martin McGuinness

Liam Neeson

to be very upset or aditated

example - "my mum nearly had 40,000 canaries, she was so mad"
A muttin is a random term with no meaning, can you be used in any sense How's your muttin = how are you That's some muttin = that's a nice thing
Weanlings, i.e. young cattle that have been weaned off milk.
The sweetest thing a beor can ever say to you...
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