The Horse Box
Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone who has helped submit content to,  we soon hope to be the most comprehensive online dictionary of Irish Colloquialism. At present we have just reached 100 members on the website, and I think it is time for a competition. So here are the rules and prize information;

The winner of the competition will be the person who submits the funniest slang term or phrase to the website within the next 7 days, the competition will begin at midnight, May 5th and will end at 11:59 May 12th. The person to have submitted the funniest term or phrase will be the lucky winner of a free Irish Slang t-shirt of their choice. At present our shop is under development, but the available t-shirts can be viewed at the following address;

Remember, it is free to enter, so why not have a go?

Hope to hear from you soon,
Ned The Horse


Hi Everyone,


Ned The Horse here, I’m pleased to see my website has finally begun to move forward. I’ve noticed allot of you posting some rather rude slang terms on here! Not to worry, its allowed, I just need to consider protecting those innocent young minds from our rude, crude and totally unacceptable language. Over the next few weeks I hope to have restricted certain categories, such as Swearing & Insulting, and also Men & Women. These categories seem to be the biggest culprits for the vulgarity!


Well, that’s all for now,


Kind Regards

Ned The Horse

Hey everyone,


 This website was created as a disertation project for Barry Flood, who has just graduated from the Interactive Multimedia Design course at the University Of Ulster, Jordanstown.


Barry was selected to speak at the graduation ceremony in the Waterfront Hall. Check it out;

Hello again,

Recently (July 13th 2009) I was interviewed by Derry based radio station, BBC Radio Foyle regarding the Irish Slang website. Why not check it out?

Good Evening,

Tomorrow morning, I am going into the GMTV NI News studios in order to record a brief interview outlining the purposes and history of


The interview will be aired soon after this, during the morning news broadcast. I am currently unsure of the actual air time, but I will keep everyone informed.


After the interview is aired, the video will be placed into our videos section.


Watch this space


Barry Flood


Hello again,


This week not a whole lot has been done, Barry has spent some time developing video clips for the website, these will be available in the next few weeks. These clips include well known celebrities such as Colin Murphy, Jake O'Kane, Keith Law & Keith Farnan! Hopefully over the next few weeks we will have even more names associated with!


Aswell as that, we have begun development of our shop. So far there are a few products available for viewing, but not for purchase. Keep checking back for more information!


Well, thats it I suppose!


Until next time, have a good day


Ned The Horse

Hello again!


This would be the first update in a number of weeks! So what has happened since I last posted? Well to be honest I have been run of my feet with work! But in relation to, I finally managed to get some merchandise which will soon be available for puchase on the site! We have mugs, tshirts, umbrellas and more! So keep an eye out and you could get some good quality stuff very shortly!


Kind Regards

Barry Flood


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